Ps3tools.v1 For Mac

2020. 2. 8. 12:35카테고리 없음

IsoTools was created for use with the 3K3y mod chip [and the Ripp3r if you have it]. This lovely program is a breath of fresh air even if you don't have the 3K3y modchip installed on your system. ISOTools is a swiss army knife all-in-one tool for anyone with a modded or jailbroken PS3.

I am sure most of you PS3 guys know that it was the PS3's tenth birthday a couple of days ago, so let me take you down memory lane: PS3History has its own website, but i thought i would turn it into a book, i put it on Amazon but its not free, so i put it on Smashwords and eventually that should make it free on Amazon, you can grab it here if you want to read through it You can also view it on its own website, but this is good for reading on the go or having some reference on your computer without having to visit a website. If anyone has some suggestions or advice i would gladly take it, i know it is not quite complete, there is still so much to add for the years between 2014 and 2016, but i will get to that eventually I know some of you think i am a prick, but PS3History isn't my personal blog or forum, it is a place for all of you, for everyone to enjoy, it is an unbiased look at one of the best consoles to be released.


Ps2 emulation on PS4 is handled in very different way comparing to PS3. Emulator seems to be more open for configurations. We can basically change anything we want. Here comes kudos to developers, as many of this options are here to bring you 1:1 emulation.

They implemented settings that can change almost everything in way how game is recompiled. Thread, and first post are constantly updated with knowledge that I'm gaining right now.

Custom config repository 2. Configuration Files used in emulator 3. Using PCSX2 settings on PS4 4.

Known emulation settings/toggles W.I.P. 5. Patching ps2 emulated memory 6.

Ps3tools.v1 For Mac Os

Creating Advanced Hook 1. Custom config repository You can find ready commands for games here: To use them, just add them to config-emu-ps4.txt or in lua case to XXXX-YYYYYconfig.lua. Remember to remove old upscaler settings from config if you are adding new one.

Configuration Files used in emulator Let start with small explanation about configuration files. There are 4 of them that we already found (there is minimum one more as far as I know).

Config-emu-ps4.txtkeep most basic settings related to emulator. Mostly paths, info about trophies support, title ID, Screen settings (aspect ratio, screen size, but games still require 16:9 patches to look like they should). This file also handle upscaling, and uprendering settings. So everything not strictly related to plain game code XXXX-YYYYYcli.conf store per game config with toggles, and not conditional hooks. So settings like enabling-disabling clamping, gs-precision settings, basically all that can be changed in emulation at PS4 side. Also this file store hooks that are no conditional and can be applied all the time. Hook structure is.

Code: -hook=0x, example = -ee-hook=0x0025b3b0,FastForwardClock XXXX-YYYYYconfig.lua used for more advanced patches like changing in-game opcodes at ee/iop code, conditional hooks, maybe more. More examples of this file is needed to get more commands. File structure require( 'ee-gpr-alias' ) - we need to include it if we want to access EE GPR, the same apply to ee-hwaddr, and ee-cpr0-alias.

So if our hook require access to any of registers related stuff (list here ) then we need to include mentioned options in our config. ApiRequest(X.X) - Required to make config work. Probably similar to config revision on ps3. Probably used as check for minimum version of api that work with this config. Which mean that emu is still upgraded. For now only known by me api version is 0.4 3. Using PCSX2 clamping settings on PS4 PCSX2 is very good place to find correct settings for our games.

But there are slightly different named compared to emulator used in PS4. Settings list: Example from -ee-validate-kernel -ee-block-validation.

PageProt,ShortHash,Hash,None -ee-shorthash-len. instcount/integer -ee-const-folding -ee-load-rewrites -ee-store-rewrites -ee-live32 -ee-pc-coherency -ee-inst-marking -ee-kernel-hle //High-level emulation kernel (probably lower compatibility, but speed hack in rare cases) -ee-regalloc-scalar.

0,none,ReadOnly,WriteOnly,RW -ee-regalloc-simd -ee-regalloc-preserve-scalar. 0,none,LoadOnly,StoreOnly,LS -ee-regalloc-preserve-simd -ee-static-block-links. options Type,Type.

None,Branches,JAL,COP2,All -ee-hook //Non-conditional EE hook -ee-jit-disasm //Emotion Engine Just in Time dissasembler mode. options 0,1=mips,2=x86 -ee-context-switch-cycles -ee-evt-check-full -ee-cycle-scalar -ee-mem-check-eob.iop-block-validation -iop-validate-kernel -iop-shorthash-len -iop-const-folding -iop-pc-coherency -iop-inst-marking -iop-jit-disasm -iop-evt-check-full -vu-branch-hazard -vu-evil-branches -vu-d-bit -vu-t-bit -vu-inst-mflag //instant mac flag? -vu-inst-cflag //instant clipping flag? -vu-custom-min-max //custom Max/Mini logic for denormals -vu-custom-fused-madd //custom Mutliply ADD, or compilation flag? -vu-opt-jr-caching // optimize Jump Register caching?

-vu-opt-sf-check //status flag related? -vu-hack-triace //Special hack for Tri Ace games, probably special guard bit handling to get precise ADD(i) -vu-xgkick-delay //Possible fix for WRC Rally Evolved, Erementar Gerad, need vucycles variable. It delay xgkick instruction execute. vucycles/integer -vu0-opt-flags //vu0 optimization flags.

0,1,2 - 1=safe, 2=unsafe -vu0-opt-vf00 //optimization for vf00? Not really sure here as vf00 is a special register where x,y,z are hard coded to 0.0 and w is hard-coded to 1.0. Not sure what to optimize here.vu0-opt-subroutine -vu0-const-prop -vu0-no-clamping //like command name said.

No clamping at all for vu0 -vu0-clamp-operands //vu0 clamp on operand stage -vu0-clamp-results / /vu0 clamp results of operations -vu0-inst-q -vu0-inst-p -vu0-use-rcp //ERCPR? -vu0-use-rsqrt -vu0-di-bits //fp-breakpoint? Max-disc-num=%d n DEPRECIATED:%s number/float bool 1,0,on,off,yes,no Floating point value will be truncated to integer @%s=%s disc-swap-cli.conf -config.

t%-10s:%-28s= '%s '. t%-10s:%s -?

-pack-image -r30 -vu0 -vu1 -cop1 -cop2 -gs-plugin -cli-only -no-gs -threaded-gs -savedata-delete -vmc1 -vmc2 -vmc-src. native,host,target,null -vmc-dest -vmc1-src -vmc1-dest -vmc2-src -vmc2-dest -formatted-vmc -mtap1 -mtap2 -spu2-update-deferral.

T-count/integer -spu2-reverb -cpu-avx -stopped -stop-at. frameID/integer -exit-at -no-trace-logging -verbose-cdvd-reads -verbose-tooling -log-tooling -eTrace. traceName,traceName.iTrace -spu2Trace -vtune-ee -assert-path1-ad -cdvd-sector-read-cycles. cyclespersector -vif1-instant-xfer -detect-idle-vif -detect-idle-ee -detect-idle-iop -detect-idle-intc -detect-idle-chcr. dmaChan,dmaChan.

Code: local eeObj = getEEObject - Track# - The Grand Reefs: 6 - Ruins of Carnuss Gorgull: 9 eeObj.AddHook(0x187330, 0x3c010001, function local track = eeObj.GetGpr(gpr.a1) print(string.format('Track:%d', track)) if track 6 or track 9 then eeObj.Vu1MpgCycles(1000) - makes it be 30fps. Else eeObj.Vu1MpgCycles(100) - default value. End end)187330 = memory address 3c0100001 = Original opcode in big endian function = kind of conditional replace opcode in this example Sony this time abandoned all that crypto stuff, and we have even hook names, very promising for research in ps3 netemu./tab/tabs.

Code: -path-snaps='/tmp/snapshots' -path-recordings='/tmp/recordings' -path-vmc='/tmp/vmc' -path-emulog='/tmp/recordings' -config-local-lua=' -load-tooling-lua=0 #-path-patches='/app0/patches' #-path-trophydata='/app0/trophydata' #-path-featuredata='/app0/patches' #-path-toolingscript='/app0/patches' -ps2-title-id=SLES-52755 -max-disc-num=1 -trophy-support=0 -gs-uprender=2x2 -gs-upscale=EdgeSmooth -host-audio=1 -rom='PS20220WD20050620.crack' -verbose-cdvd-reads=0 -host-osd=0 hw addresses example. Path-snaps='/tmp/snapshots' -path-recordings='/tmp/recordings' -path-vmc='/tmp/vmc' -path-emulog='/tmp/recordings' -config-local-lua=' -load-tooling-lua=0 #-path-patches='/app0/patches' #-path-trophydata='/app0/trophydata' #-path-featuredata='/app0/patches' #-path-toolingscript='/app0/patches' -ps2-title-id=SLES-52755 -max-disc-num=1 -trophy-support=0 -gs-uprender=2x2 -gs-upscale=EdgeSmooth -host-audio=1 -rom='PS20220WD20050620.crack' -verbose-cdvd-reads=0 -host-osd=0 -host-display-mode=full -vu-hack-triaceconfig-emu-ps4.txt. Path-snaps='/tmp/snapshots' -path-recordings='/tmp/recordings' -path-vmc='/tmp/vmc' -path-emulog='/tmp/recordings' -config-local-lua=' -load-tooling-lua=0 #-path-patches='/app0/patches' #-path-trophydata='/app0/trophydata' #-path-featuredata='/app0/patches' #-path-toolingscript='/app0/patches' -ps2-title-id=SLES-52755 -max-disc-num=1 -trophy-support=0 -gs-uprender=2x2 -gs-upscale=EdgeSmooth -host-audio=1 -rom='PS20220WD20050620.crack' -verbose-cdvd-reads=0 -host-osd=0 -host-display-mode=full -vu-hack-triaceconfig-emu-ps4.txt. Code: -path-snaps='/tmp/snapshots' -path-recordings='/tmp/recordings' -path-vmc='/tmp/vmc' -path-emulog='/tmp/recordings' -config-local-lua=' -load-tooling-lua=0 #-path-patches='/app0/patches' #-path-trophydata='/app0/trophydata' #-path-featuredata='/app0/patches' #-path-toolingscript='/app0/patches' -ps2-title-id=SCES-53133 -max-disc-num=1 -trophy-support=0 -gs-uprender=2x2 -gs-upscale=EdgeSmooth -host-audio=1 -rom='PS20220WD20050620.crack' -verbose-cdvd-reads=0 -host-osd=0 -host-display-mode=full Any advices? All those config stuff are like martian language for me for the time being. I'll have to spend more time on it. Edit: in add for this game, on PS2 or on PCSX2, game language depends of the system language (there is no language selection via the gamme options).

Doesnt work on PS4 with default config.PS2 Fake PKG Generator for PS4. You need to provide decrypted eboot.elf, ps2-compiler.elf, libc.prx and LibSceFios.prx for the template by your self since i only got allready fake signed one and no time to play with my ps4. can edit the emulator config and the script too. Even define your fav editor to use for the script. The tool will automaticly patch all files and rename files depending the PS4 and PS2 TitleID you want to use. The both IDs alone can not be edited within the text box. They are readed from the Content ID textBox.

Ps3tools.v1 For Mac

Ps3tools.v1 For Macbook Pro

Under 'Options Paths ' you can check the defined paths for the apps and the db. Only for the default text/code viewer you can select a new one via this button. Others can be dropped onto the GUI or simple placed into the same directory. The template project file will also be patched on fly regarding your settings. Like if you choosed to use a trophy script and file and checked the box, then the.gp4 is patched douring the creation.

Defining your ISO and the output folder can also done by dropping or by using the buttons. If you double click the Output / Input textBox it will swapp between ISO input and Folder output. Passcode is outoset to only 00s. Should be leaved so in case of compatibility for all of us.

But if you need or want to change it, you can do that. If there is some bug or some needed feature i forgot, call me and i'll fix or add it immediately. Unless i am not sleeping.

I've also throwed a new Fake PKG Tools collection together with my tool and a hacked version of the orbis-pub-cmd.exe. By the way hacked.exe. Here are the patches for the above called executeable: Fake PKG Tools v1.2: I'll added some more SDK Tools which we might could use for our fake pkgs.have fun- cfwprpht. Code: -path-snaps='/tmp/snapshots' -path-recordings='/tmp/recordings' -path-vmc='/tmp/vmc' -path-emulog='/tmp/recordings' -config-local-lua=' -load-tooling-lua=0 #-path-patches='/app0/patches' #-path-trophydata='/app0/trophydata' #-path-featuredata='/app0/patches' #-path-toolingscript='/app0/patches' -ps2-title-id=SCES-53133 -max-disc-num=1 -trophy-support=0 -gs-uprender=2x2 -gs-upscale=EdgeSmooth -host-audio=1 -rom='PS20220WD20050620.crack' -verbose-cdvd-reads=0 -host-osd=0 -host-display-mode=full Any advices? All those config stuff are like martian language for me for the time being.

I'll have to spend more time on it. Edit: in add for this game, on PS2 or on PCSX2, game language depends of the system language (there is no language selection via the gamme options). Doesnt work on PS4 with default config.